Thursday, October 3, 2013


The door slams, my eyes widen; the door wasn’t locked, was it? Why didn’t I put the door stop down as usual?  The handle doesn’t move, I’m locked out of the house. No food, no phone, no water, okay, what do I do now?
After greeting Lola, Lucky and Robert Redford, this morning I grabbed a cup of coffee and my laptop to start the day. One cup of joe later, it’s time to have another and some breakfast, when a gust of wind hurtled down the valley to wreak havoc on my day.
Was this divine intervention, Kirt’s spirit messing with me or just happenstance of nature? Regardless, I’m waiting to be rescued by friends, my wonderful friends.
As I sit on the porch overlooking God’s lush creation, my blood sugar is dropping with sweaty fingers and, of course, a big headache. The blue sky littered with sooty white clouds seems a metaphor for my life, thanks to my true blue husband. We were good for each other. He was good for me. We made the best out of every situation, our learning experiences.
They say to be happy we must release the past and live in the present. Is my stomach growling, I haven’t heard that in an age. Most of the good things that have happened to me happened during our lives together. I pray for grace.
Marcie just emailed that help is on the way. A smile of gratitude sweeps my face; nothing like problems to keep you focused in the moment. Is that the lesson? Maybe not, I woke up early happy to be visiting a school with my friend Alma and her puppies. Other than being sore from my workout, I was having a good day in the present. Instructions from the universe are a definite FIFINO to me. I’ll think about it some more.

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