Monday, January 25, 2016

Alive and Healing

Good morning!
After two years in the valley of the shadow of death, I’ve stepped on to the shore of my golden years. Hah, it’s good to be here.
The trick is to know you’ve arrived.  Grief isn’t over; I doubt that it will ever be over, but I’m strong again, so I can handle and enjoy life. Bad things happen daily; it’s proof of life, but sitting on the porch, listening to the birds, while the sun lights the valley I feel at home with nature, God, and my life.
Ever changing life, the beauty and the beast, happens whether you do anything or not; I’m back to planning. I told you I felt strong again.

In 1988 Kirt became disabled; I became super woman. I’m sure some woman reading this is nodding her head saying, “I know what you mean.”   When he died, so did super woman.
A vulnerability I hadn’t known since childhood hit me. I’ve worked to become the woman I wanted to be to have it pulled out from under me along with the loss of my best, best buddy.
Throughout my adulthood I’ve challenged myself with one goal after another; my husband would say, “What’s next for you; it’s always something.”
Next: The Dominican Jazz Festival 2016
Who’s coming?

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