Awestruck by your own uniqueness or amazed at how
different everyone else is? Life is a diversity only a God could imagine with
each existence as important to that individual as yours is to you. The
egocentric never seem to get that.
My friend, Sheri Gaber, a woman far more
spiritually advanced than I showed me that as I learned patience and self
control, I must learn respect. Thanks, Sheri.
Respect, how it folds back on to itself, if one
does not have it for all, you don’t really
have it for yourself.
Cripe, I always feel so stupid during epiphany
moments when I finally get something, not just intellectually, but really get
it at the core. Something so simple had evaded me for so long, duh. Some day I’ll
have enough self respect to not feel that way; won’t that be fine!
When we get together with others to trade energy,
we leave feeling happier or sadder, or worse angry. I must learn that out of
respect for myself, I need to stay away from people whose company I leave
feeling worse. Some of those people are the most fun, interesting, well met
people I know, but I’ve found I’m happier without them in my life.
Big epiphany moment is realizing that you have an
allergy addiction to some people. It boings you over the head, when the sweet
tart you enjoyed last night has your eyes swollen in the morning. You had so
much fun; you want to do it again, but your eyes are always swollen after. Not good
for me, but I just love it; talk about sick! Shit, that sounds like my food
allergies where we have another example of not good for me, but do it anyway.
In two weeks my 68th birthday rolls
around, so maturity is bound to happen. I’ll keep you posted.