Is beat up on Bill Maher time over? Who else wants to get the last lick in before we call it enough?
We, the ninety-nine percent need to keep our eyes on the prize, to borrow a phrase. Don’t waste time fighting with friends because rich people want to hurt us.
Bill, a rich white liberal, who actually appears to like black people f---’ed up; he’s not a closet enemy. People who turn on friends ready to pick some bones end up friendless.
He referred to himself as a house nigger, so after the whipping, you’re going to school Bill that the word nigger originally a pejorative for Negro used by whites has been taken back and may now only be used by black people. Holy smokes, I didn’t know there was a memo.
To me, the saddest thing in the world is to hear one black call another a nigger because that’s the worst thing he can think to call him. You know it happens. That word belongs to the devil, no good comes from its utterance.
Black comedians eased the sting and black people overcame the word, but continued use desensitized your white friends to the horror that word is.
That’s our word you can’t use it; when has that ever worked? Oh, please, he didn’t seriously say that.
I can tell you that the day after a Wanda Sykes performance the word nigger crossed my mind three times about no particular thing; it’s that kind of word, just like when I first learned fuck.
Good for us but not for you is a double standard that goes nowhere good. Oh, and just as a clarification point, do Latinos get to say, nigger? What are the rules on that?
We need to get all of the funds, pacts, and soft money out of government; stay focused like we’re all fighting the aliens.
As a comrade, if not a friend, and friend I hope, may I suggest the bitch slapping be done; remember a humbled friend is seldom a better friend for it.
People in the media will need our support to push for a national referendum to get graft (my opinion) out of government.
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