Thursday, May 27, 2010


When you grow up unloved, it screws how you see the world. I am not talking about just feeling unloved, but parents behavior reinforcing you are not loved.
If you're five and your mother packs your bag putting you and it out the door; that's a clue you are not well thought of at home. 
If you've been good all day and you hear your mother say, "Get her first, she's the oldest." because your father is ready to beat your brother for something he did; you are not getting a loving feeling at that moment. 
You live many more examples of this negativity reinforcing experiences, but these are two of my personal favorites. So nothing you do pleases your parents, you suck. 
So how do you get from unhappy and worthless to productive positive member of society? Ha-ha. Do you?
Growing up you mistrust anyone who is good to you, while drawn to them like a moth & a bug zapper.
Have you ever had a meal at a friend's house when you were a kid? How did the parents treat your friend?
My one friend from grammar school, Barbara R, her family liked her so much; it amazed me. What completely felt strange is that they seemed to like me. I was always so afraid that my parents would talk to Barb's parents & tell them how bad I was, which would spoil everything.
Who knew that this Polish family on the south side of Chicago would be among my first positive role models? At the time I wondered why her parents were so good to her and mine beat the crap out of me, when we got into trouble together.
Who can go through a childhood like that without, shall we call it rebelling? Barb and I lost touch during the rebellion. When we last spoke she had just married with first child on the way.
So many times I wondered; what causes one family to act like they like each other and another family to act like they don't.

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