Saturday, December 3, 2016

Its a Bitch

Some days the lure of the sofa is great; joints scream,
“Don’t move! Or I’ll really hurt you.”
Collapsed comfortably, it’s difficult to protest. The curiosity spark missing any mark lands on barren ground. Loathsome laziness grabs my butt. Remember; do nothing Saturday has favored day status. Yes.
Saturdays spent reading, writing or sleeping are joyous to be sure, but today that’s not the motivation. Today, I just don’t have the oomph.
To my morning set of exercises, I added a set of twenty where I pick a basketball off the floor, raise it to my waist, and then, above my head. That action immediately raised awareness of several stiff spots in my back.
Rainy days are hell for arthritis suffers; let me hear you bitch!!
When I get out of the car I can’t put weight on my left leg for a couple of seconds, but after a few steps, I’m good.
If I give in to a do little or nothing day because my arthritis hurts, it’s always harder to work through later, so this laziness must be overcome if I have any sense at all.
As the Brits say, “Bloody hell!”

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