Thursday, March 2, 2017

Who Would Notice

Google disappeared from my screen; Facebook, blogger, my maps were just gone. One of those strange anomalies I’ve been witnessing happened to me; now, I’m worried.  In Puerto Rico we lose the internet from time to time, but Google?

We’re on the edge of the Bermuda Triangle so we make jokes about the unusual things that happen here. A modest size Caribbean island with people fleeing like rats from a sinking ship doesn’t get a second glance when it comes to small shifts. New dogs appear on my doorstep and others disappear. At this moment all of the dogs in this entire valley are howling; in twelve years I’ve never heard the whole valley howl at once. A small dog appeared in the middle of the road and my neighbor boy walked out to get it like he was in a trance.

Lucky my pit bull buddy began barking with the sound of fear in his voice, so I had to go to see. To my surprise, Lucky is barking at my neighbor boy or I should say young man of eighteen. Maybe five years ago of I found Lucky under a van in front of this boy’s house, so they know each other; something’s not right, but what.

We get tremors here, if you see ripples in your tea, we’re having a tremor. Most of the time, we’re completely unaware, but that’s the point; isn’t it?

Facts, factoids, alternate facts, as well as fun facts bombard us; so how do we really know when something’s important or not worthy?

So how do you know when an old lady is slipping some not so fun facts into her morning blog?



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