Sunday, March 5, 2017

Men And

Much of what I’ve read lately involves sexism, objectifying women, referring to them as a pussy to be grabbed, and other rotten garbage. At the horrible end of the spectrum, I saw a video of two men whipping a woman with sticks and a story about a nine-year-old girl be married to an old man. Do you imagine she dreamt about him for years before being allowed to wed?
There is a hierarchy, a pecking order that begins because this is mine; it’s the best food or place to sleep for the alpha male. We find this in nature so the handiwork of creation absolves men due to intrinsic ignorance. At the core, God has to have the nature of both sexes, but reproduction, women must have been an afterthought; how else can you explain cramps and monthly menstruation? Surely childbirth could have been better engineered. 
In the beginning, nature favored men with bigger and stronger; with few exceptions, men lead and women follow. Male privilege, ingrained throughout evolution is part of all of our exchanges. We are only women and as evangelical preachers extol, “Women should do as their husbands say!”
Pride and power lead to greed where women contribute a fair share. We’re reaching a point on the planet where bigger and stronger is controlled by smarter; I pray that wiser comes along for the ride.

With the current pecking order, the old crones have less value than ever. The knowledge of a lifetime no longer includes remedies or midwifery; what value does society place on older women?
Bigger and stronger have better is the basis of the male pecking order, but we all know females have a different hierarchy, and only at the top do females have any power. Scientists write papers about this in other species.
A man respects a woman as much as his ego allows him to respect anyone. Some men are so comfortable in their skin that being in their presence enhances a woman’s self-esteem; my husband was one of those guys. I’ve been blessed.
Men hit women because they’re scared that bigger and stronger doesn’t always beat cut throat and women have learned to excel or they’re just assholes.
The recent presidential election demonstrated a powerful man behaving badly, as if he answered to no one, acting out before men yearning for the power to at least be disrespectful to those they believe to be less than themselves. The chant, “Lock her up,” chilled me to my core.    
 I rode on the shoulders of suffragettes who marched and died for women's’ right to vote in America. We marched for equality and parity of pay; later young women called us feminists as if that were a bad thing and said they wouldn’t join us. Young women may think that because their pussy is being grabbed they have power.
An average sixty-eight-year-old woman is likely to have a stream of men push in front of her at the airport; I’ve been knocked down by a man hardly aware I was there. Most men when you point out their trespass become gracious however reluctantly.
As an older woman I’m venerable and vulnerable, it took a long time to make me with the best part being I have time to focus on discoveries to bring joy to my life. My value is in having been created by God.
Why some men are miserable to women is a problem for wiser minds; I pray God to keep me safe from them. 
Women seem to be the ones noticing the anomalies; maybe we’re better observers or we’re not perceived as a threat. I haven’t been able to get a man to admit noticing anything. Are you surprised?
As long as my Google is being jammed, I need to be careful. Be watchful, look for a shimmering and enjoy your day.

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