Monday, March 6, 2017

Strange Vibrations

We’re living at an exciting time; yes, I said exciting, not stressful, although that’s true also. We talk about energy vibrations and how things resonate and recently I’ve read a number of articles about how even miles away separated cells vibrate the same. This lends credence to intuitive health modalities I’ve studied and I find that truly exciting.

Holistic healers speak about intention, to focus in your mind the desired outcome. I never bought into that part, preferring to focus on the mechanics of what I was doing. As happens from time to time, I was wrong.

Intention energy created the universe and I was too stupid to pick up on its importance. They say we co-create our world with God through our intentions; yet, at this old age, I’m only now acquiring the habit of asking what outcome I want with things I’m doing. So often I simply find myself doing, proving once again that it’s never too late for a duh moment.

It shocks me how often an old lady can feel like a little girl, but when I contemplate what it means to be an energetic being, I get so excited and vibrate so rapidly I can’t stand it; I have to give myself a time out to calm down.

Perhaps this is why I’m able to see these anomalous energy shifts happening on the planet. I think its aliens, but honestly, I don’t know. Other than the shimmering, we have men and dogs behaving differently.

Other women have reported men behaving strangely, but most of the time that’s just men for you or women’s perception.

Dogs either like you or don’t; they’re not the type to love you one day and bark wildly at you the next.

At first I found these reality blips scary, and then annoying, but I began to notice, well, like I said, men and dogs behaving differently.

One woman said the cow would no longer let her husband milk it and her husband seemed subdued. I couldn’t get her to elaborate. She had the same apprehensive vibe I’ve had for a while now.

Part of the trouble is that if you ask women if they’ve noticed men acting strangely, they want to tell you about what he’s done in the relationship. I could be wrong, but I tend to discount that.

The guys at my gym seem the same, except for one. For months he ignored me, looked right through me. At the gym I stay focused on my workout, so ignoring him was easy, but if you make eye contact with me, I’m going to smile, at least; that’s who I am.

The other day he walked up to me with the bearing of someone who had something to tell. “Did you hear what happened to our friend?” “What friend?” I asked incredulously to this seeming opening to a confidence.

“You know,” he motioned to the counter by the door; his actions indicated pain or difficulty in getting it out.

“She was in a horrible car accident.”  He seemed to be having a terrible time.

“Is she alive?”

I like this woman, so became concerned.

“Oh, no, she’s alive,” he said with relief washing his face.

“Is she alright; how badly was she hurt?” I wanted to know.

“She broke her nose, has two black eyes and bruised her right arm,” he reported before adding, “There was a horse in the accident, too, and he pissed all over her.”

Huh? I couldn’t wrap my head around this new information; how could a woman in her SUV be pissed on by a horse?

Before I could formulate a sensible question the woman in question walked through the door beautifully coiffed and made up wearing a brand new exercise outfit, not what you’d expect from a woman just in an accident.

Could this be an example of this aberrant behavior observed in men? Who knows? Men saying weird shit seems normal actually.


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