Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Life in Widow Land

The pain, the pain, the panic, the frantic feeling my head would explode, the sudden loss of my other half, my better half, my constant companion, my friend, my lover flipped my world upside down.
Seventeen weeks later, I remember the day vividly, but the days after, no, the first couple of months after are a haze.
At some point I realized that having a project I believe in to work on would be good for me. I had been talking about doing a fund raiser for a friend of mine, who runs an animal shelter, so I picked the easiest I could think of and we did a photo day fund raiser for Amigos de Los Animales PR.
Working to concentrate on a task that’s more stimulating than challenging gave me moments of peace in that second month. I had to “buckle down” to put it together. Sometimes regardless of how the project went, I’d have uncontrollable bouts of crying and screaming.

As a rule I’m a pretty buttoned down hard ass, thanks to my WW II Marine Corp dad who beat me regularly until I reached eighteen and he died leaving me really screwed up; until along came the hero of my story, the guy who died this past July, my guy.
Life in Widowland still sucks.

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